
Here are just a few of the many rodeo organizations that exist.

The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA)

The PRCA is the world's largest rodeo association, making it the "Corleone family" of the Rodeo Mafia. As such, the PRCA wields an impressive propaganda department, complete with a large website and a publication (Pro Rodeo Sport News).

But all the propaganda doesn't change rodeo's bottom line -- animal abuse. The PRCA obviously understands this, as they have taken several measures to hide, but not eliminate the abuses.

The PRCA claims to have "over sixty humane rules," supposedly designed to stop abuse. In fact, there are only twenty rules in the PRCA rulebook. The number of humane rules in the PRCA rulebook are insignificant -- it's the number of rules enforced that matter. In SHARK's considerable experience of investigating rodeos, that number appears to be zero.

The "Stock Contractors" section of this website includes video clips of many PRCA stock contractors violating PRCA rules. Many of these stock contractors have been documenting these rules over a period of years. This alone demonstrates that PRCA humane rules are a joke.

The PRCA employs a person in the position of "Humane Coordinator." That's an impressive title, but don't expect any substance behind it. The "Humane Coordinator" does NOT investigate humane violations at rodeos, does NOT deal with humane violations documented by SHARK and other animal protection organizations, does NOT propose or support new humane regulations, and does NOT have anything to do with humane issues as far as we can tell.

That is not to say that the "Humane Coordinator" doesn't do anything. In fact, the "Humane Coordinator" appears to be very busy writing articles slamming animal protection, and she works very hard getting out of debate offers from animal protectors.

Interestingly, in an industry dominated by males the PRCA's Humane Coordinators have so far been exclusively women. Apparently the PRCA believes women will more easily sucker people in believing their propaganda.

If you really want to know the PRCA's position on the humane treatment of animals, consider one of its spokespeople, Hollywood character actor Wilford Brimley.

Mr. Brimley narrates one of the PRCA's propaganda videotapes, wherein he assures viewers that he believes in treating animals humanely, just like the PRCA. However, Mr. Brimley is an outspoken supporter of cockfighting -- an activity so cruel it is banned in all but a couple states. So what would Mr. Brimley or the PRCA know about the humane treatment of animals?

The PRCA has a lineup of corporate sponsors that supply it with millions and millions of advertising dollars.

The PRCA televises some of its rodeos, in a manner of speaking, on ESPN. Don't expect to see the entire rodeo, as the PRCA edits out animal injuries and deaths, violations of humane rules, and even some of the most basic aspects of the events themselves. This may sound fantastic, but the PRCA's management has even admitted this is the case. You can read more about the editing of televised PRCA rodeos at www.MediaVillains.com.

The National High School Rodeo Association (NHSRA)

Of all rodeo associations, the NHSRA is perhaps the most chilling. The NHSRA not only teaches young people to abuse animals -- the NHSRA glorifies it!

The front page of the NHSRA website states:

"The NHSRA has as its mission to promote the positive image of rodeo, preserve the Western Heritage, and maintain the highest regard for the livestock."

This is but another example of the Rodeo Mafia's willingness to lie outright. SHARK video footage of high school rodeos in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and California documents the most abusive animal treatment of any rodeo association.

SHARK's exposure of high school rodeos has led to violence against one rodeo investigator and his daughter -- an eleven-year-old girl. (See www.IllinoisCorruption.com, Coles & Stark counties)

The NHSRA teaches young people to break the rules, to lie about it, and get away with it. The NHSRA is affiliated with and sponsored by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA). Both associations have similar humane rules, and both sets of rules exist for public relations purposes only.

Neither the NHSRA nor the PRCA (nor any other rodeo association) release their animal injury/death reports, nor do they report which of their members, if any, are held liable for abuse documented by SHARK or other animal protection organizations. Given the repeated humane violations documented by SHARK, it must be concluded that if there are any penalties for violators, they are completely inadequate.

International Professional Rodeo Association (IPRA)

The IPRA is considerably smaller than the PRCA, but still produces rodeos across the US. Like other rodeo associations, the IPRA claims to have humane rules, but the rules of all rodeo associations, including the IPRA, are for public relations purposes only. You can look at some IPRA abuses in the Stock Contractor section of this site.

Friends Of Rodeo (FOR)

FOR is does not actually produce rodeos. FOR's function is primarily in the area of disseminating propaganda to cover up rodeo cruelty, and spewing vitriol against animal protectors. FOR claims to stand up for rodeos, but its leaders and representatives refuse to debate the issue with anyone from SHARK. In fact, they advise rodeo people NOT to debate rodeos. Clearly, FOR may be a Friend, of Rodeo, but FOR cannot defend rodeo animal abuse.

We will credit Friends of Rodeo for at least having a truthful motto:

"Keeping the Dream Alive."

We would bet that every night these folks dream they are costarring in a John Wayne movie. Friends of Rodeo members are living in a dream world, and they just don't want to wake up!


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