
SHARK is proud to be at the forefront of using drones to fight animal abuse.

Starting in 2009, SHARK began flying remote controlled aircraft to document otherwise hidden animal cruelty. Since then we have conducted 100's of aerial operations documenting live pigeon shoots, massive beagle factories raising dogs to be sold for experimentation, animal killing contests both on land and over water, secretive government agencies conducting massive slaughters of cormorants, cockfighting operations, rodeos that have banned cameras, enormous feedlot operations, multiple horrific farms with sick and dead animals, the US Meat Animal Research Center, and environmental crimes such as burning tires which are used to accelerate burning dead and living animals at pigeon shoots.

SHARK also has the distinction of being the first aerial vehicle shot down over the United States. That gives you a pretty good indication how badly the animal abusers want to keep their illegal abuse hidden from the world. You can see video of that below as well.

In 2013 the PBS show NOVA featured SHARK's efforts in a episode titled, Rise of the Drones (you can watch the episode here).

SHARK also has the ability to launch from our boat and we have done this on multiple occasions to document animal cruelty that happens on the water.

Animal protection organizations in the US, Europe, Africa and Australia, are following SHARK's lead, announcing their intention to use drones. To read some of the press coverage put 'drone' into the search box in the upper right of this page.

Our drones causes such fear in the bad guys, they are now trying to pass legislation to stop SHARK. Virginia Senator Frank M. Ruff, a lackey for animal abusers, introduced a bill to criminalize the use of remote controlled aircraft after he read media accounts about one of SHARK's copters documenting abuse at a live pigeon shoot. After we documented and shut down Senator Inhofe's (OK) live pigeon slaughter, an Oklahoma legislator also introduced legislation to ban SHARK drones. It failed.

This is one of the critical roles SHARK plays in the animal protection movement; we use our creativity and technical expertise to reshape how animal cruelty is documented and fought against. With your help, we will continue to bring ground-breaking ideas and means to save animal lives.


Recent Drone Investigations


Please Help These Sick, Starved, Injured Cows!

Drone Exposes Warehoused Research Beagles

Pigeon Shoot Lawyer Harasses Drone Pilot

New York Police Lose It Over a Drone (Lawsuit Ongoing)

"The Profit" Marcus Lemonis - Animal Abuse Sponsor

Cruel Beagle Breeding Prison Revisited

Dump Pretends to be an Animal Rehab Center

Horses Abused at 2019 Rowell Ranch Rodeo

SHARK Fights Cockfighting in Monterey County, California

Six Flags Vallejo - Abusement, not Amusement

SHARK Drone Films Massive Egg Production Facility

SHARK Exposes the Cruel Cowards of the Alabama Forestry Association

Suspected Cockfighting, but Authorities Won't Act

Broxton Bridge Plantation Thugs Shoot Drones, Lie to Police

60+ Pit Bulls in University Park, Illinois (Will County)

Drone Team Exposes Cruelty at US Meat Animal Research Center

Children Caught Torturing Birds at PA Pigeon Shoot

California Cops Lose It Over a Drone

SHARK Investigates Senator James Inhofe's Illegal Shootdown of Angel Drone

Cruel Cownose Ray Killing Contests in Maryland Filmed From Drone (Now Illegal!)

Pigeons, Tires Burned After Live Pigeon Shoot

SHARK Over the Philadelphia Gun Club

Slob Hunters Shoot Drone


University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

Click Here

More Videos

To see even more documentation and video exposés please visit SHARK's YouTube account to watch any of our over 1000 videos!

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