
We promised you we would expose pigeon shooters who attended the illegal Broxton Bridge Plantation slaughter. Meet Joseph Bernard Ongenars of Rockford, Illinois.

Joseph Ongenars at Broxton Bridge pigeon shoot, 2012

Joseph Ongenars at Illinois pigeon shoot, 1992

Amazingly, this is not SHARK's first encounter with the onerous Ongenars.

Twenty years ago SHARK shut down pigeon shoots in Illinois. At the very last pigeon shoot, where we called the police to shut down the then illegal event, one of the shooters came up to us. Here's a picture from that shoot in 1992.

Seems Joe didn't learn the lesson SHARK taught him and his cohorts in cruelty two decades ago. Now he has to run all the way to South Carolina to illegally kill pigeons - and we're there once again to fight him.


University Supports Illegal Animal Abuse

Click here to watch our videos exposing Northern Illinois University!

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To see even more documentation and video exposés please visit SHARK's YouTube account to watch any of our over 1000 videos!

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Pigeon Shooters Exposed!

Operation Bright Light exposes individual pigeon shooters to the world

        Click Here


Please contact the Pennsylvania Legislature and tell them to ban pigeons shoots once and for all. Click here to find and contact your Pennsylvania state legislator

Please contact Governor Tom Wolf and tell him that it's long past time for them to end the abominable cruelty of live pigeon shoots.

Governor Tom Wolf
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please contact the Pennsylvania Tourism Bureau and tell them that you won't be vacationing in PA because of illegal live pigeon shoots.

1-800-847-4872 - Post on their Facebook page HERE.

Click here for a video from Bob Barker and more information.

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The World Peace Diet

by Dr. Will Tuttle, PhD

The World Peace Diet, which became a #1 Amazon best-seller in March, 2010, has been published in 16 languages and offers a compelling and liberating new understanding of our food and our culture. It has been called one of the most important books of the 21st century: the foundation of a new society based on the truth of the interconnectedness of all life. It is the first book to make explicit the invisible connections between our culture, our food, and the source of our broad range of problems—and the way to a positive transformation in our individual and collective lives. 

Find out more here.