Randal Surber is Captain of the KY State Police Post 9, which covers Pike County and two major illegal cockfighting operations - the Blackberry Pit, and the Hawk’s Nest Pit. SHARK provided exact locations for both pits, as well as dates and times of fights. We even supplied a schedule printed for the Hawk's Nest pit. Even though we handed these pits to Captain Surber on a plate, illegal fights have been allowed to happen time and time again.
Surber's excuse for this allowance of criminal activity is that "it is being investigated." Police can make this claim about a crime already committed, but they can't allow criminals to continue their illicit operations for weeks, months, years! The fact that no one in the state police, from the most local right up to the state headquarters in Frankfurt will do anything to stop this means that the entire agency of the state police is apparently on the take from the Cockfighting Mafia.
Captain Randal Surber, Post Commander
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(606) 433 – 7711
Public Affairs Officer
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